Rhodel Manzano, DC, ATC
Serving the Santa Clarita Community, our mission is to provide access to the highest quality care for all ages, no matter what your competitive level and get you back to moving without pain. Sports Rehab Institute has helped athletes and patients of all levels and ages return to play and perform pain free.
We are confident you will leave our office with all your questions answered and how to manage your pain.
Contact us if you have any questions.
Our Approach:
Gentle adjustments/manipulations to the joint and soft tissue are used to take stress off the affected structures. Soft tissue modalities include Instrument assisted soft tissue massage (IASTM), myofascial decompression (cupping) and myofascial release. Therapeutic Ultrasound is used to decrease inflammation.
Pain inhibits muscle function and caues the body to learn irregular movements to avoid pain. Therapeutic exercise and rehab techniques are used to train the body to move correctly. This is where patients apply what they have learned through theraputic exercise and rehab and apply it to their sport or everyday life.